Monday, October 3, 2011

30 Impressive Examples of Ruins Photography

This is the collection of Ruins Photography By Professional Artists. Ruins are the remains of what once were human

constructions, some really glorious and famous in their times. Ruins are the “scars” of the past that should be

treasured and admired, as they offer invaluable information about the past, about the civilizations that we rose from,

about our ancestors and about all sorts of cultures that marked the history.

Some cultures as old as several centuries or even millenniums hid mysteries that out modern world will never be able to

discover and understand, never be able to appreciate enough and never be enough amazed at their past glory. But even now,

after such a long time, some ruins are more glorious than modern buildings, more impressive by architecture and

functionality. Today we collect 34 examples of ruins from all over the world. In your mind, what happened back then and

how things used to look like? Look at the photography below. Enjoys! We happily to hear your precious comments.

30 Photos

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